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NCKU Launches Online "Office of the First-Year Student" to Support Newcomers

Written by NCKU Office of Student Affairs. Image credit to NCKU News Center.
As university admission results are announced, incoming students at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) now have access to a dedicated online resource, the "Office of the First-Year Student." This platform is designed to provide new students with critical information—from key academic dates to course selection processes and credit transfer options—allowing them to get a head start on their university journey.
The 2024 university admission results were announced on August 15. NCKU promptly mailed admission packets to its incoming students, followed by the opening of dormitory applications on August 16. To ensure new students are well-prepared, NCKU launched its "Office of the First-Year Student" website on July 15, with a mobile version rolling out at the end of July. The platform has already attracted over 60,000 visits, serving as a vital tool in helping students navigate the complexities of enrollment.
This initiative represents a concerted effort by NCKU to integrate services across multiple departments, creating a seamless one-stop information hub for freshmen.
In response to the trend towards online information gathering, the "Office of the First-Year Student" is designed to offer a student-centered, intuitive online experience. The platform provides real-time support for a comprehensive range of needs, including student ID lookups and registration to dormitory applications, Advanced Placement (AP) courses, health check requirements, military service obligations, and financial aid options.
This initiative represents a concerted effort by NCKU to integrate services across multiple departments, creating a seamless one-stop information hub for freshmen. The platform updates the traditional freshman portal and incorporates student feedback to ensure that essential information is well-organized and easily accessible. Key features include a personalized enrollment guide, a keyword search for common questions, mental and physical health support, streamlined problem resolution, and effective data management.
根據成大「新生支持辦公室」營運團隊觀察,新生入學提問涵蓋生活與學習兩大面向。今年新推出的大學預修課程(AP)獲新生熱烈迴響;113學年將開辦探索學分,鼓勵學生跨域學習(圖為 UR 大學部研究資料照片)
The "Office of the First-Year Student" team has identified two primary concerns for freshmen: academic and everyday life. While enrollment procedures remain the primary focus, the newly introduced Advanced Placement (AP) courses.
Feedback from users indicates that the platform is particularly user-friendly for students who are unfamiliar with the university’s administrative structure. Previously fragmented information from various departments is now centralized, making it more accessible. University administrators, the Student Union, and departmental student associations noted that the platform has significantly reduced the complexity of handling freshman inquiries. In past years, these inquiries often required multiple referrals to appropriate offices, creating a cumbersome process. Thanks to the platform providing information in a systematic way, inquiries are more focused and less frequent this year.
The "Office of the First-Year Student" team has identified two primary concerns for freshmen: academic and everyday life. While enrollment procedures remain the primary focus, the newly introduced Advanced Placement (AP) courses—offering Calculus, General Biology, and General Chemistry—have generated significant interest, with the Calculus course attracting up to 170 students. NCKU’s commitment to interdisciplinary learning is further highlighted by the introduction of "Exploratory Credits" in the 2024/2025 academic year. These credits allow students to explore subjects outside their major. Considering that students might be concerned about how this could impact their academic performance, the maximum number of these credits is six, and students can choose whether to record grades along with the credits or receive the credits without a grade. If a student fails, they can opt to have the course record removed entirely.
除了推出「新生支持辦公室」線上平台作為新生最強後盾以外,成大開學前兩大新生重點活動「UR 大學部研究」與「成功登大人」也陸續規劃進行(圖為成功登大人-新鮮人成長營資料照片)
the "NCKU Freshman Camp," an event organized by current students to welcome newcomers, will open for registration in late August.
Beyond the online platform, NCKU has planned two significant pre-semester events for new students. The annual "Undergraduate Research (UR) Featured Laboratory Tour", which provides a closer look at various research labs, is now open for registration. Additionally, the "NCKU Freshman Camp", an event organized by current students to welcome newcomers, will open for registration in late August. Besides events, the first episode of the new "NCKU Freshman Podcast" is scheduled to air on August 15.
Provider: NCKU News Center
Date: 2024-08-28
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