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Please Abide by the Covid-19 Prevention Measures After Lunar New Year Holidays

To all faculty, staffs, and students,

Because Lunar New Year holidays is coming to an end and our colleagues would return to work, please abide by the following epidemic prevention measures and pay attention to your health.

  1. We encourage all people to update the data about health condition at NCKU Announcement Platform APP, including travel history and case contact history, and vaccination status.
  2. Some personnel would return to school, please abide by the epidemic prevention measures including wearing a mask, measuring temperature, and frequent washing hands.
  3. Recently, there are still new confirmed local COVIVD-19 cases in Taiwan, if you have overlapping footprints of the confirmed case, please go to the rapid test station in NCKU to receive screening at working hours before returning to school, and upload the result of rapid test to NCKU Announcement Platform APP.
  4. If you feel unwell, such as fever or airway symptoms, please seek medical attention as soon as possible and notify NCKU campus security report center, and report the travel history or contact history. NCKU campus security report center 24-hour hotline:(06)2381187 or ext. 55555
Regards from NCKU COVID-19 Prevention Caucus
Feb. 4, 2022

  1. 我們鼓勵全體人員在「成大資訊公告平台 APP」上更新在自身的健康狀況,如個人的旅遊史、個案接觸史,以及疫苗接種等狀況。
  2. 部分人員將返回學校,請遵守戴口罩、量體溫、勤洗手等防疫政策。
  3. 近期台灣每天仍有本土確診 COVID-19 個案,若與確診者有足跡重疊者,請於返校前於上班時間,至本校快篩站進行快篩,並將結果上傳「成大資訊公告平台 APP」
  4. 若有出現身體不適,如發燒、呼吸道症狀等,請盡速就醫,並通報校安中心告知相關旅遊史或接觸史。校安中心 24 小時專線:(06)2381187,校內分機 55555。
國立成功大學嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎防疫小組 敬上
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